Sleeping on the School Stairs, End Up Naked and Running Away From A Teacher

Date: 4/7/2018

By picho

So this dream was really dang weird. I had it a while ago but I'm keeping a record of them here. This one started with me going into a shop. It was a clothes shop, and I turned around and one of the people in the years above me in school were there. She said hello, and I turned around and that Rory bloke was there. I was a bit taken aback, but I joined him to go talk to another group of people. Everything was going fine. I had one of those dream teleports, and suddenly I was on the stairs talking with my actual friends. The stairs usually have a railing for safety, as they're pretty dang high, but they were not there. In my dream I was getting really tired, so I kept lying down on these stairs, and eventually drifted off to sleep. I kept drifting in and out of consciousness in my dream, but when I woke up from the longest drift, everybody was gone. I got up and opened the door onto the top floor. I followed the building round, it was dark and definitely after school hours. I made my way to the other stairs, looking for any of my friends, but nothing. Halfway back up these stairs I realised - oop - now I'm naked. At this moment I realise that my history and biology teachers are both coming up the stairs. So I bolt, and run into the biology room. I hide two rows back, under a desk behind the door, with the knowledge that somehow my friend Lizzy is going to come. I believe that she did and she and I - now magically clothed again - hid behind this desk for ages. We heard footsteps, and my chemistry teacher came in. She came straight to Lizzy, asking for her chemistry homework. I was terrified, as I hadn't done the homework lmao