Peter calls to tell me NEP died

Date: 2/21/2025

By Alex_7298

I’m home in Italy, kind of like about to walk into the yarn shop on Main Street with a friend and I’m chatting happily with her. When my phone rings and I’m surprised it’s NEP’s dad calling. Happy to get his call, I pick up cheerfully and am like “hi Mr Peter, how’re you doing?”. A pause that feels like ages and then, sobbing, he says “I lost my life”. I immediately understand: NEP died. My heart breaks in a million pieces and all I can say is “no!”. I keep repeating no and he keeps saying yes. I need air and I forget all about being out in the street with other people. I gather my strength to ask how and the answer is a car accident. I feel completely and irreversibly lost. I wake up paralyzed, terrified, sweaty and panting.