My boyfriend is what??

Date: 10/24/2017

By jempin515

Pregnant. That's right, pregnant. And not only is he having a daughter but in this dream I'm just his friend, not girlfriend, and he's also GAY & with his work colleague Dario. That sort of explains why he'a pregnant as there's no girl to give birth in his relationship any more. After finding out this fact the rest of the dream consisted of me asking him flabbergasted questions like - "How is this even possible?" (I googled it, it isn't, but in the dream it totally was and he had an explanation.) - "Why didn't you tell me about this until now?" - "Is it a boy or a girl?" (It was a girl) - "I didn't think you were that bothered about having kids!" (He answered that he clearly was considering he'd "had a womb implanted" just for this daughter.) At the end of the dream I was still questioning him as we walked through the park, and then I suddenly saw two adult polar bears and a baby one rolling down the hill towards us, which was both terrifying and apparently normal as no one else in the dream reacted.