The Japanese Little Ghost

Date: 4/22/2020

By leOneironaut

I was making a fortune somehow, with that in mind, I wanted to spend a few coins. Walking through the streets I saw this japanese "pastel" vending tent and decided to buy some. Had to wait because they had other clients. One of them left without paying and without eating, I felt sorry for the japanese couple and decided to pay that one. Out of a sudden the clients and her husband were gone. It was just me and the japanese lady, I had a strange feeling near her, like if she was my mother once. We went inside a weird house and she told me to wait even more because she would pray first. There was this hole up the wall, narrow and dark and I've seen something come out of it and spy on us, some sort of child ghost with dark blue skin and huge eyes. She told me it's a spirit, couldn't tell if it's a good or bad one but she wanted me to please him by praying. She wanted me to say a few words to let him know I'm no stranger, in japanese, of course, I said it out loud but wrongly, on purpose because I felt like the right words would bond me to the spirit forever. That drove him mad so I took the moment he went away to block the hole exit with some wooden sticks.