Digital art 4k scene from a movie: An individual is tasked with creating new types of soapslices in order to gain an audience with Satan for assistance.

getting help by visiting Satan

Date: 9/22/2018

By monjanse

I was visiting Satan in heaven, to try to get help from Satan to find out something I do not remember What is. To be able to talk to Satan, i had to solve some tasks first. I had to make soapslices as fast as possible. Then there was a plate on the wall with cardboard-soapslices in the tracks. I was suposed to pull different soaps together fastest possible, and mix them to make new types of soapslices. Then I had to learn how to plaster, by getting my whole body plastered in a chair, and get cutted hole in my skull so that the brain would get a gel in it so it was able to be eaten, but I did not want that, so the ladynurse that plastered me said that it was okay.

AI generated interpretation This dream is quite complex and contains various symbols that may reflect underlying fears, desires, or conflicts within your subconscious mind. The presence of Satan in the dream could symbolize feelings of temptation, evil, or inner turmoil. Visiting Satan in heaven could suggest a sense of seeking guidance or answers from a darker aspect of yourself or facing unresolved issues. The tasks you had to complete to communicate with Satan may represent obstacles or challenges you feel you must overcome to access certain aspects of yourself or your psyche. Making soap slices quickly could symbolize your need for efficiency or productivity in your waking life. Mixing soaps to create new types of slices may reflect a desire for creativity or transformation in some aspect of your life. The act of being plastered and having a hole cut in your skull to fill the brain with gel could represent a fear of losing control or being manipulated in some way. The resistance to having your brain eaten may suggest a fear of losing your thoughts, autonomy, or identity. Overall, this dream may indicate a sense of internal conflict, the need to confront fears or desires, and the importance of maintaining a sense of self-preservation. It may be helpful to explore any recent challenges or significant events in your life that could be related to the themes present in this dream. Working with a therapist or counselor to further explore these symbols and emotions could also provide additional insight and support.