Nov. 7th 2017 Best Night Ever

Date: 11/7/2017

By Seym022

I was at the mall getting ready for a sleepover. It was Harley Dian's birthday and she rented the mall out. I was walked in with Gabe and spent like an hour with her, having an endless talk about stuff. I then met Isa at Chick-if-le in line to get food. I ordered the 7 piece chicken nuggets, then went to the football field outback to watch Gabe and Antonio. For some reason, I changed into my Halloween costume, but not donut. I said a rude, yet funny remark as constructive criticism (kinda). In a joking/wining voice, Gabe and Antonio were like, why you so mean! While walking away I turned around. While walking backward I said, I guess it's just in my nature! Soon I was walking back when they called my name at Chick-if-le. The person in front of me ,who was also invited the party, was walking very slow. Her name was Natalie. I tried to pass her walking faster and faster, soon almost running. For some reason, she didn't want me to pass her, and I have never even met her. I said, "Can I please go ahead of you so I can get my food". She then said no and sprinted ahead. She wasn't athletic at all so I passed her to get back to Chick-if-le. Then I went with Isa, and got our food on the trays. Then, the Natalie girl grabbed my food and dumped it all over me. I was so mad, and told everyone, so no one talked to her. Yet once I told Harley, she kicked her out and never talked to her again. After everyone ate what they wanted, we had this awesome gigantic cake, and it was delicious. Later that night, while everyone was asleep in the furniture store of the mall, I went to go get water. On my way back from getting water, not drinking yet, I saw Gabe and Antonio fighting from the balcony. I threw the water all over them. They yelled, not mad, what was that for. I said I did it because I didn't want them to lose their friendship. We three ended up hanging out together all night using cool stuff from stores. It was the funniest night ever!