Killer Crabs to Using Snake Blood as Ink... and then eating the Snake... Some Water Polo and Class...

Date: 3/14/2020

By AJacobs

I think it was earlier I also dreamt about a classroom and stuff. My dad was there maybe. Classes... (this could've been before I was awoken at 0830 by my roomate telling me, "STOP SNORING." I was actually a little pissed off this time... A lot took place in the water of the lake. It was a lot more swampy. The water felt good. Earlier, there were a bunch of creatures too, I was off to the right looking into the lake. We saw fish, something, I think I thought I saw a turtle, and then this reddish crab comes crawling out... I try to avoid it and get back to the sliding door... it basically chases me... I jump onto it sometimes to avoid it ramming into me... Next it gets inside the house and I warn the other... I go back outside and there are more... these are now malevolent. I see like a poster or something that touts these crabs as something to do with Hellboy... uh oh... These are not normal animals. I run around trying to avoid them, when they are about to ram me I jump on top of them and now try and crack their shell. I do with multiple ones. I even try and pull parts of the shell and gooey innards up to destroy these things. They are violent and the fight continues... I go up to the right around the house to the road. One crab chasing me as I go. Scampers at me, I jump on it and smash it best I can... maybe Austin woke me up here? Or the dream just stopped. Later, we were back in the lake and playing around... Mr. B I think was there, as was my dad (probably on the shore) We swam around, to the right (facing inland) was a more wild brush area. We found markings on this stone wall and wanted to make our own... Mr. B had someone fetch some snakes from the land. He comes back with some squirming black snakes, about an inch in diameter. Then Mr. B pops the head off one and pulls it down vertically on the stone wall to slight success of black "ink" (assumed to be black blood). Then I get it next, a gross, stiff, headless snake. I get passed the first part by the head and there is then a lot of the black ink material the make markings on the stone wall. Then at some point... I decided to eat it... and I thought most of it tasted great... Except the last bit (cube), which had like no black "blood," just white flesh, I didn't finish that and left a cube in my hand as I waded around and told others. Next we start organizing like a water soccer/polo game... in teams of two... each with separate goals around the shore... I think I woke up while we were still planning and talking about it.