I wake up to hot ass dude in my house

Date: 6/22/2018

By juliaaramini

So I was sleeping in my bed just chillin you know, then I woke up to one of my dogs barking. So I’m like bitch shut up!!! So I put my glasses on and I go on my phone as I’m going upstairs and I run into this hot ass boy. I’m like ummmm who are you and he’s like I’m cleaning your floors and I’m like okay ig and I went to talk to my dad bc why didn’t I know about this??? And he says that it was very spur of the moment and it happened this morning (in my dream I woke up at like 11:30) and that he is just giving him a summer job. He also mentioned that he was in my grade and went to my school and I’m like oh my god I’m not even wearing pants and now we’re probably gonna see each other in school omfg. So I run to the bathroom and put my hair up (I have curly ass hair it did not look good down) and put some contacts in and actually put pajama shorts on so I look more acceptable and I’m making pancakes when he comes upstairs and I’m just thinking “I’m literally gonna kill myself” but then we started talking and he actually ended up liking me which was good but my dad was staring at us the whole time from outside and in my head I’m like Michael!!! Go away!!!! But it was all good. Then we started talking about how my sister, while at a school dance at this venue in my town that’s on a ranch, started walking around the ranch with her friends and saw a man try to kill a dog so they all took the dude down and called the police on him and he was caught. Floor Cleaning Hot Boy said “damn that’s some movie shit what the fuck” and then I woke up.