Alien porno cinema eek! Fear of heights and a near death fall off a cliff at sunset.

Date: 8/30/2017

By contactsilence

I was listening to someone talk about their experiences while on DMT with alien entities just as I fell asleep last night and this may have triggered a weird alien porno dream. About 4 humanoids, part human, part alien with bodies that were decaying were seated side by side like one would sit at a DMV. But this was in a cinema and people were around watching the Aliens probe these poor people who were obviously being victimized. Their legs were sprawled and they were being "probed." Ill just say- it was awful. I'm not sure how I had wondered into that cinema, but I rushed out quickly. I realized I couldn't find my husband and ultimately he found me. He asks "why didn't you answer my call. I've sent you two messages and you didn't respond. I've been looking for you for two hours." I felt so bad since I had just wandered from his dad's graveside and into the cinema and I felt profound feelings of guilt. I just couldn't find my way around. Just before he found me though, I was trying to find him and I had come upon a wide and high cement staircase descending from a plaza. There were a lot of people around and I stared back at the cinema thinking I needed to get away quickly, only I was suddenly overcome with a severe fear of heights. I then fell to the ground and I asked a man next to me to help me. I then began to inch step by step while seated in an attempt to descend the staircase. This is when my husband found me and was angry I had disappeared and not responded to him. We were at home then and it was not my rl home, but understood it to be my place. I found a jewelry box suitcase full of a lot of gold items, watches, charms, bracelets- all real gold and I realized I must have inadvertently taken it from the pawn shop. I distinctly remember looking at a case like this whilst at pawn, only I was sure I gave it back. I then entered a moral decision making process as to whether to keep it or return it. Before I made this decision, I realized it was just my costume jewelry. I remember being concerned I would be spotted on cameras having taken the case and they'd come for me. Now I didn't have to worry. I was riding my bike down the boulevard in a very nice area of town. It was beautiful an I saw this gorgeous sun so large as it was setting over the city scape. I was still on my bicycle and by the time I could reach for my camera, I had traveled too close to the tall buildings, so they blocked the sun. I crossed the street and traveled back up the blvd so I could take a picture and just as I was far up enough, I stopped. But I realized I didn't stop quite fast enough as I was now at the edge of a very high cliff. My bike was stopped but it began to slip off the side and I grappled with my feet for ground unsuccessfully. As I began to fall to my death, I woke up panting and crying out. I had to tell my husband I was just having a bad dream and not to worry. Earlier in the night I also woke up and apologized as I awoke to me hitting my husband in jabbing motions in his side. I apologized for hitting him and explained I had been doing it in my sleep and I was so sorry. I have done this reportedly in the past and have only recently become conscious of it while waking to me hitting him.