Unwanted reunion

Date: 1/1/2022

By Bito

I'm not sure where the dream was exactly. It was a lobby of some building. Marianne from You was there. I saw her and accidentally blurted something. I realized what I said when she turned to look at me and said thank you. I wanted to apologize but instead we began flirting with each other. I couldn't control what I was saying. Every thought was just coming out of my mouth unfiltered. Thankfully, she was kind and we actually had a nice talk. However, I began feeling more and more uncomfortable so I excused myself and ran away. --------------- In another dream, there was a kid being scolded by a cop. I didn't know what was going on; I didn't care but intervened anyway. I saw a moment to pull the kid to the side and ask him what was happening. The kid was off. He stuttered his speech before pulling out a knife. This kid then slashes at me, nearly cutting me. I push him away but he grabs me. He was strong as hell for a tiny kid. I was paralyzed for the next moment. I was just witnessing the kid take the knife to my chest, slicing me vertically from my upper chest to my abdomen. The cut wasn't deep at all, nor did it hurt a lot, but I bled through my torn clothes. Once I got control, I grabbed the knife away. I was still in the heat of the moment so I fought the urge to absolutely obliterate this child. Instead I tossed the knife away and handed the kid back to the officer - who went mia during the whole transgression btw. A bit later I saw the kid again out on a soccer field and he thanked me for giving him a chance (not killing him) all those years ago. At this point, the dream memory of the attack was faint so I believed it happened years, not moments ago. It made even more sense as the kid was substantially older now. He got emotional as he thanked me and I gave him a hug. I realized the field I was my junior high school's. That's when I saw all my old classmates too. They were all grown up but also remained the same. I was so confused why they were all there and why I was there as well. I wanted no part in this reunion so I tried to leg it out of there before anyone sees me but I ran into a classmate. We exchanged pleasantries and seeing how it was too late I figured why not stick around. I asked her what day it was. She paused and said nothing. I thought maybe I wasn't clear. I asked what day of the month we're in. Still nothing. It's like she went full vegetable. Complete silence. It was awkward so I changed the subject. She takes me to meet our other classmates. Fuck, I wanted to flee my own skin not knowing how I ended up in the worst type of social event. I was saying hi to all the people I barely remembered when I ended up spilling a drink all over myself. I was actually relieved as this was an opportunity to leave and not come back. I excused myself, making it seem like I was gonna clean up in the washroom and return. Instead I left the school and ran.