i took some melatonin and i’m having some weird vivid dreams lol

Date: 5/27/2020

By baileekinney

dream 1: i was running from something/someone and i kept having to find these hiding places around their warehouse thing and they kept finding me so i had to rehide so they couldn’t catch me.* dream 2: i was in a class of some sort and the class was so big it had to be split into 2. i was also doing this kind of therapy thing where people would come in to rant about their problems and why they are sad and i would fix them. one girl i knew from school was there and it was quiet i was just chilling then i hear “OW SHIT AHHH” and so i ran in to see what was going on and she was kneeling on the floor with her head down saying “fuck that hurt really bad” and i had everyone nearby leave and i sat by her and started rubbing her back and asking what happened and she said she tried to hurt herself because she deserves it and she messed up and so i said some stuff to her to make her feel a bit better then i brought over her best friend and we talked with her for a bit then i said “okay where did you do it” and she showed me her wrist with a huge mark on it and i said okay now i want you to do the same thing to her and she was like no way it was so painful and i said do it and her friend insisted so she finally did but not as hard. then i said kiss her arm and apologize to her and tell her i love you and it won’t happen again. she looked at me weird but did it then i said now do the same thing to yourself so she apologized and stuff to herself and she felt a lot better i think. it was weird i’m not a therapist at all so i’m surprised lol