Date: 3/4/2022
By nateplusplus
My coworker Stephanie told me that I kept sleep walking and I had no idea. I was found in the cafeteria at work with nothing but boxers and a t-shirt on. She was really bothered and said she is going to file an HR complaint– she told me I need to get help. Later, I was walking on a dark country road with my wife. We saw a moose! While walking, I couldn’t stop making a weird throat noise – it was like I was snoring while I was awake! I thought, “Am I going to start sleep walking now??” I kept telling myself, “I am awake, this is definitely real.” I looked around at all the detail… “This can’t be fake,” I thought to myself. I woke up with a dry throat. At breakfast, I told my wife about the dream within a dream. Is it real this time? — I am at a family member’s house trying to get a shower started but I have to fix the plumbing first. I pick up James’s baby and walk him around the house because he needs attention. — I’m some sort of superhero woman that has no powers, but when she sleeps she unleashes a power she is unaware of. While awake she is timid and passive. In her sleep she is angry about a statue that does not accurately reflect something and creates a giant new statue that’s like 20 stories high. — I wake up later, for real this time. I mean… this can’t be fake. Can it?