race, hair, couldn’t walk, horror game??

Date: 6/11/2022

By ooflla

- we had a race in this end of the year party thing and it was high school ppl and the race i was in i was next to samyu and she was in track so she should’ve won but i pretended i was falling and grabbed her pink jacket and she fell and then i kept running and was in like 2nd to last i was super slow for some reason and then after i felt super bad and she was mad but accepting my apology/explanation and this kid was trying to yell out that i cheated and i was covering his mouth like shut the fuck up im literally about to tell the dude in charge what happened i’m not- anyways it was stressful - i went to a hair salon and ig i was just checking it out but then they called my name and i was like huh must be another of my name…nah who am i kidding no there’s not i must’ve accidentally made an appointment so i went to the lady and was like i kinda want a wolf cut also i wasn’t fully prepared for this today so my hair is greasy and she was like shh and had this rock that had a pattern on it like a tile looking design but on a round rock and she was dipping it in water so when she did that it soaked up water and the design would show up (or disappear? i can’t remember) and then she put the rock against my face. i think i skipped ahead bc i never got a hair cut but then apparently there was a hair cut competition for the school too and they were annoyed bc they were supposed to somehow tell all their clients about it or choose 1. i was like oh i’m right here hehe but didn’t actually say it out loud. idk why i thought i would want to be in that though ew - i was at the school and now it was not high school ppl and i was walking down the library hallway but for some reason had trouble walking like my legs either went too slow each step or too wobbly when i tried to walk normally so i had to stop and i sat down next to ppl from choir but ig didn’t say anything just made weird eye contact. then i started playing a game and idk who i was playing with maybe h or someone random i can’t tell although h was kinda the vibe. i had also had these dudes recognize me like hey it’s you from my childhood and i was like who the fuck is this man but then i saw pictures (that don’t actually exist) and i was like oh uh sure that guy ig? so anyways it could’ve been whoever that guy was too but idk. it was online too so they were sitting next to me. i was playing this game that kinda looked like league sometimes and kinda looked like idk something else not as from above depending on the room we went in. like we went into this main room with a fountain and red carpet and it felt like we were actually there. i was this tiny little character and the person playing with me was super tall (hence why uh maybe h) and ngl kinda looked like wreck it ralph lol. we went into this mine cave area and i was following him. we went along the track then ran on this twirl thing then he jumped to a ledge but i didn’t make it and he didn’t notice and kept going. i fell farther down so i had to go back to the beginning of that and got a little lost so i got help from this thing that was first a nice shadowy figure then got more creepy and evil as it helped more like it knew the way but needed my help to get somewhere and was following me like in an evil way to get me lol. as i was going over the twirl i couldn’t get it but it was a little behind me and trying to catch up so i was trying to hurry with it behind me. i got to the ledge and then fell again and it followed me but more shadowy so it was hard to see (i think since i was newer at the game i didn’t know there was an added challenge from it when u asked for help/it wasn’t good to ask it for help) but i got to a higher ledge than before where i fell and went inside this blue shed. it had a rounded roof to the floor and was made of wood that was painted an almost turquoisey blue color and the door was rounded at the top and had a white handle. i went inside and it was dark and there was a lot of old cool stuff in a mess and i could see a white snake hiding next to the door but ignored it. i thought it was the shadowy figure transformed to a snake. i got out though and went to try to get higher up to where my friend went but i think i woke up mostly so nothing really was happening when i was half awake. also when i was playing the game i realized when i was talking that the ppl sitting next to me were hearing it.