Radiation poisoning

Date: 10/4/2018

By Tetrahedron

I was riding a motorcycle really fast down the high way while pulling a boat. I was going really fast and my intention was to get the motorcycle to pivot sideways while the skidding on the tires. Somehow with a boat hitched to the back. I actually did it but then I slide off and stood up. Making it out fine with only a few scrapes on my calf. There were cops coming so i ran and made it to some weird guys house. Something about him was off the entire dream. But when i got there he somehow knew what I did and he was stoked about it and welcomed me in. He had a gf there but she didn't say anything. She was just there. Next thing i know is that I'm having to chase my dog and somehow i knew she was going for something dangerous. after running and running through some facility i see her jump into spme nuclear radiated tar substance and there is a machine above it. suddenly she pops out on top of the machine swimming on the top. I assumed there was a tube she crawled up. So i jumped on the side tire of this machine and reached into this gark grey goo substance and pulled her right out of there without hesitation. Then I'm telling people i got in contact with the goo stuff and this guy had trouble opening some special first aid thing but he did it. He put something around my arm. After that the dream gets choppy. I head back to that guys house and I'm taking a shower that's some how in his room and him and his gf casually walk in??? Then i fond myself at my mums house telling her the story about our dog. The main part she seems mad about is that i had radiation. literally after explaining she threw her arms up and said "oh great now you have radiation poisoning" 😂 *wakes up after getting pissed*