Date: 3/15/2018
By nexus
I had a couple of dream scenes and a lot of them were long and detailed The first one was like the zombie apocalypse and I was immune to the zombies so we were helping people get to safety as we took down a bunch of zombies but then something crazy happened, the dreams perspective changed from me being the hero to me being one of the civilians trying to survive, it was like the whole dream restarted and I was now the person in crisis. We were walking down this pier and beach and we see like 1000 people running and so me and a couple people found this small office building and we locked the door but it was shaking violently like in the movies so we're trapped and then we panic and before the door busts open I wake up. The next dream I'm a little lucid and I'm trying to escape some building to meet up with a person though I can't remember who. The people in the building try to get me to stay in it but I use a variety of things to get out like talk to some people saying they're needed in the front of the building or through something to make someone to move out the way then I jump out of a window and run like 1000 miles an hour to this construction site / Train Track looking place to meet someone and then I had to sneak past guards again to meet this girl and when I did I confessed my love for her though I've never met her in real life it was weird, I can't fully remember her reaction to what I said but it wasn't what i wanted out of it that's for sure. There were more dreams though I was in like a trance state so I can't remember them in full detail either, I tried astral projecting for a majority of the night but I was way to tired already and there has to be a balance which I couldn't achieve last night.