Date: 9/16/2017
By Busta_Caligari
Had this strange dream that I was in the woods with some friends (I want to say Ted and some girl, possibly my Mom haha) The first thing I remember is cutting across the remains of the foundation of a house that had burned down. Halfway across, I was told that 11 people died in this house, which upset me because I felt I was disrespecting them. Later on we came to a decrepit old house and explored the top levels. (which I do not remember) As we were about to leave, someone suggested we explore the basement. I was adament against it, but my companions proceeded otherwise. We didn't even make it halfway down the stairs, when through a wide section of the basement out of a tunnel, a (newish) car pulled out. This sounds pretty stupid, but it horrified me in the dream. The car would abruptly stop in an impossible away, then start moving again. We walked to the bottom of the steps, where the car stopped, and out came this young looking filipino woman. Her face was melting and she started to chase me. I ran away and woke up.