Date: 1/11/2017
By _Gabrielle_
Last night I dreamed I was in my house with my two cousins who were cooking dinner. I saw car lights pull up in our driveway and looked through the window at who it was. It was some sketchy looking guy and I hid from view so he wouldn't know I was there and I wanted to know what he was up to. He looked through all the windows (somehow not seeing my cousins) and went back to the front door.and I heard the doorknob jingling so I ran to the kitchen and got the biggest knife possible and stood there waiting, all the while my cousins are laughing thinking this was hilarious . The guy opened the door and got scared when I screamed like a maniac and waved the knife at him, but he came back and fishily told me there was something he wanted me to see and I stupidly followed him outside. He led me under my house and I saw him pull out a body bag and a knife of his own, and I would've put up a fight if my knife hadn't disappeared from my hand. So I ran out to the street, not wanting to lead him to my cousins, and stood in the road so cars would be forced to stop and people would see what was going on and help, which no one actually called the police and all had stupid grins on their faces just like my cousins and they were starting to piss me off. Then I woke up