
Date: 11/24/2021

By Daydream

So I was just laying in bed and when I stood up there was a rat on my bed. I got scared and went into the living room, where there where 2 bigger rats by the couch. I think one might’ve tried to jump on me. So I went upstairs to where my mom and her bf would be and I swear there was another big rat. Sometime during this, I guess I was listening to “The Tower” by ICP and my sister was like wtheck is this? I said it’s The Tower by ICP. That’s all I remember. I was listening to music in my sleep so I’m guessing that’s why I heard that song. But eventually I woke up fr listening to “Miracles” - ICP. And my heart was racing I was a little scared there was an actual rat at the end of my bed. But then I just went back to sleep.