Date: 3/4/2020
By meeuhduh
I was in a classroom people were claiming desks were taken when they werent. I kept looking everywhere for a chair and just something to write on like even a clip board. I was about to leave then a couple people gave me a desk I had like 3 desks available so I picked one and began to participate in a class. I woke myself up by answering a question some chick asked "What's an amniotic cell?" In the dream I confidently answered "It's a cell implanted in you to make sperm thing you're already pregnant" I was acknowledged as correct then I woke up because I had answered that outloud from my sleep thus waking myself up. (That's not what amniotic cells are) Some other part of the dream before that there was a bunch of vampire zombie people that I guess would turn every year or couple years this community would take em out. The vamp-zombs wouldn't get violent if they couldn't see you so all you had to do was close the windows and doors they wouldn't try to open anything they would only go crazy and kill if they saw a personage and then a face. Someone had these tent things you'd put over yourself so you looked like a tall ass umbrella 😹 it was hilarious but it worked. Something vague in that dream about a woman who looked like an old friend of mine Em (Capricorn) felt like she was a sister she went out to go kill these things because they weren't people anymore and there was no cure. Something vague about my brother I think I was letting him out of a prison cell?