Andy Falling 3 Floors

Date: 5/10/2017

By dianalex

There's more at the beginning of the dream but I don't remember at all. I'm gonna start with the fall. We're headed somewhere, idk where, in this place that's supposed to be my uni but in my dream it's a lot more colourful and modern but also confusing to navigate. Anyway me as usual I'm lost. When we were supposed to go straight i turned right, into some connecting bridge thing. And Andy tries to do a last minute walk over to the bridge, because he's already walked past it. Idk how to explain this. Like he put his hand on the pillar and like swung himself over but he lost balance and fell backwards over the bridge. It was really, really chilling. He had extended his hand towards me to ask me to walk straight and when he started falling it's like... you know it's happening but you don't have time to react yet. Physically you're not moving but your brain has processed everything and has started to panic. yknow? anyway. he fell. I'm too afraid to look over the railings to look at him because I'm afraid of what I might see. I was imagining like his skull was caved in and everything. but after a few seconds of shock I start yelling for help asking people to call for the police (in my country you can call the police if you need an ambulance) and someone lends me their phone. idk why I didn't have my phone on me. ok anyway. I call and the police go oh is his email faiz(some random numbers here) and I'm confused and say uh yeah and I'm like is this important please come and send an ambulance!!! I'm hysterical and yelling but all the person on the phone wants to know is what his name is and when I tell him his name the guy on the phone is like NO what you're saying isn't adding up and he just keeps repeating the same question over and over again so I start crying and hang up and when i look over the railings Andy has stood up and was trying to walk so i take the elevator downstairs. somehow I come across a bus and my mother is on it. I borrow one of her 2 phones and then I run over to Andy. When I get there I can't find him but he's in the toilet washing blood off himself and comes out soon enough. so I'm like dude don't move we're gonna get an ambulance etc and he's like nah I'll walk to the hospital. we debate about this but he wins. so we start walking. several things happen. -hes got a giant crack across his face and a limp -hes leaning on me for support, holding my hand, which makes me feel uncomfortable but I let him anyway -my mother's phone is vibrating in my pocket. I don't check it because he's leaning on me entirely and I don't have spare hands to check but I know it's Mom. -midway through I pull my hand away and he stumbles and I feel bad -midway through walking he removes his shoes and socks and they're soaked with blood and he walks over to a water fountain in the middle of some eating place and washes his feet and socks and I suggest the toilet instead but he just laughs and blood balloons into the water. you know when you dip ink into water? the way it slowly spreads around in that poignant way? ya. I don't remember anything after that. I don't think we made it to the hospital. oh there was...we were on a motorcycle getting there but there was a rude YouTuber stopping us like he was tryna race us idek.