i, the vice president of the Filipino republic...

Date: 8/10/2016

By rambunctious

We were at this huge wooden european feelz house. (Imagine a very old house with wallpapers. Rotting wood on the carved designs on the ceiling and walls. Old painting. With a huge princess stairs where u can walk down feeling like the flirty bitch u are. On the outside it somehow looks like greencoffee marfori. Big glass windows and. Ot wasnt a very big house. It was medium sized with a large area below the stairs where events could be held) today is the day of the announcement of the winner of the presidential election. I was outside the house. There were a lot of cheap wooden chairs for the public. I didn't even take a bath that day; i just wore a tank top and summer shorts. I didn't consider the event to be that formal. I didn't go there with anyone and was alone with the crowd. The inside of the house was filled with people. And i sat at a vacant chair beside the house where i could see whats going on inside through the gcmarfori glass window. There were a lot of people but it wasnt the alotofpeople type where it was very tight and hot. There were just enough to make it a well attended event. I sat with a bald chub on his middle 20s. I could feel that he was struggling with his seat because hes a chub. Haha. We were asked to stand up at some point and everyone did. When we sat down baldy took a large portion of my buttseat leaving me about 70% of the buttseat i used to have. I got pissed at him but being the nice person i am i took no mind and continued listening to the talks and usual boring pre announcement talks of blahblahblah. The people werent excited. We were all just there. Waiting. The dutertards. We stood up once again. Idk what for, maybe it was to applaud the entrance of the candidates. I stood up with everyone else and sat down but this time fatass now took 50% of my seat. I can't handle this. I can't deal with this anymore. I stood up and walked my way home. It turned out that i actually lived in the european house. My room was on the third floor. Hotheaded, i walked to the stairs leading to my room. It was a few steps beside the top of the grand staircase where the podium was at. The front stage was located at the top of the staircase just beside my stairs to the third floor. Because there was no backstage i have to go behind the seats of the presidential candidates, which is in clear view of everyone, to get to my room. It was long walk. I was going through the crowd when the the moment of the winner's declaration came. I didn't pause to listen and watch the declaration. I just continued passing through the crowd oblivious to everything. I was deaf and walking unconsiously not out of anger but out of the strong intent to just get to my room. I don't care who wins. Theres nothing i can do about that. I just walked through. I used another staircase on another part of the house and am now beside the stage. Everyone can see me now for i am just beside the stage on the second floor. There were people there too, organizers, people with walkie-talkies, and headphones, monitoring the event and the losers. Oh. The losers. On my way here i didn't notice that they had already announced the winners. I was a walking dead on my way here and during those moments of thoughtless travel and getting through the people they had determined the leader. And the new president of the philippines is Mayor Rodrigo Duterte of Davao city. Yay, i thought. I voted for that guy. He was already delivering a gratitude speech and one of promises and plans for everyone. Beside the stage, i looked at him in the podium and the crowd he was addressing. I thought that no one would notice if i go behind him to get to the stairs going to the third floor now. As everyone was busy listening to digong i tiptoed on the front stage to my stairs. "As the new president i have the power to choose my assisstants and vice president" I could hear him saying those. Who would he pick tho. As i was exactly behind him he turned to me and told everyone "i choose (hesaidmycompletelongassname) as the new vice president of the filipino republic" whaaaat. Wtf. Are u serious? I thought to myself as i faked a shocked reaction to the hundreds below looking at us. Putting the mic down so only we could hear ourselves "i choose you because u are smart. Ive read your papers and your opinions on the (insert things that matter). You are the perfect kid to help lead your people. You are young and you can do this". He looked me straight in the eye as he said those and i can see everyone else behind him looking at me in the same way. "I am scared. Maybe i can write all those great things on globalism and humanism, but to deliver """the message""" to the people....and lead...i don't know if i can do that." I can imagine my mom being so proud of me (not knowing the panic i am hiving atm). I can imagine the chub embarrassed on how he just enraged the chosen vp of digong. I can imagine me, the focus of everyone. On those very few seconds of digong (who looked very much like my dad in this dream)staring at me i thought about all the good things i will do, Of my mom somewhere out there looking at me with intense pride and joy, of the president, of everyone else...awaiting my reply. "I accept." Darkness. I woke up on the floor. I was in my room. It was very dark and late deep into the night. I waited for my pupils to dilate and adjust to the lack of brightness. I can see a dark silhouette of a person sleeping on the floor on another corner of the room. It was the president. He must be exhausted from the banquet and the congratulations he received. I stood up quietly trying not to wake him up. I could see with the faint light from the wooden windows all my clothes arranged on the cabinet. I thought -mom got so excited by what happened that she already moved all my belongings in-. I walked to the door and down to the stage. It was very dark. Like my room, all the light were off but it was a bit brighter downstairs. It was messy everywhere and there were a lot of people in the house, asleep. The people were sleeping inside the house. Maybe its part of tradition, that when the new officials are announced everyone can sleep in the house and celebrate. People were sleeping on the floor, in sofas, wooden chairs, and carpets. I was looking for my phone. I must've misplaced it during the celebratory banquet that followed the declaration. I can see that not everyone was asleep. Some were fiddling with their phones which emanated some light for me to see as i crossed the floor trying not to step on anyone sleeping. I looked for my phone on tables and empty chairs. I found some phones but they werent mine. I used one with a flashlight but one sleeper asked me to turn it off for it was disturbing. I turned it off and just used the front screen which wasnt that bright. Lightless, i continued looking and was outside the house now. It was a normal neighborhood with many plants that surrounded the house. I can see the lamppost just outside the house giving off yellow light to the cement street. I went back in and found my phone in the middle of the room. It on a chair covered by a black jacket which was why i didn't find it on my first look. I stood there. In the complete darkness. In the middle of the bodies of sleeping voters. Inside the old euro house. Without anyone noticing who i was. With the president asleep in my room. I stood there with my phone in my hand and thought "I am in Malacañang and i am the vice president now"