Eerie ghostly “neighbors” asking for a child

Date: 3/28/2021

By evp722

2-parted dream The first part: I was with old friends (PM, EL, AC) and we were walking home from somewhere. I asked AC how she would get home without a car since she lives in Fairhaven which is kinda far from my house, and she said she had multiple houses, some near my house, so she’d walk there. My friend PM drove home in a white car and I noticed her driving was kinda shitty. Then I walked in my house and saw 2 women standing on the steps of my front porch, just staring at me with cold dead eyes. They looked similar and were both middle aged looking and Black. I heard the woman to my left murmur “should we interfere first?” And the woman to the right said No to that. I asked the woman on the right something like “what is it? Why are you here?” She responded, “We are your neighbors. We have come for our child [which you have]. We will return tomorrow for our child. If you don’t give us the child, then...” she then pulled out a gun and pointed it at me, of course implying that she’d kill me. I was terrified and had no idea what to say. I didn’t know what she was talking about; I didn’t have her child and we were complete strangers. I just nodded obligingly and they disappeared. I stood in my house for a bit, unsure of what to do. I stepped upstairs into the room beside my bedroom and pulled out my phone, contemplating who to contact, yet I was afraid to speak on the phone because I feared the women could hear me. The only options I thought of were 911 and my mom. I was too scared to call 911, so I tried calling my mom, who I knew was at a party. After a few attempts at calling her and me unable to get all the words out, I tried texting her. I could only type slowly for some reason and made several typos, which frustrated me. Finally, I got the message across, telling her about the whole situation. She seemed worried at first, but then sent “Just sit down and have some tea”, trying to get me to relax. I was like Wtf, how is that gonna help? Then I just had a thought “hey, this is a dream”, and then woke myself up.