Townhouse Killer

Date: 4/23/2019

By Leanna25k

I remember it vividly. I was exploring an old, abandoned townhouse with my mom. It had lights on but everything was dusty and sad looking. After our exploration, me and my mom stepped outside to head home. It was already dark, wet, and scary outside due to the city alleyway atmosphere. My mom said we should get going. I said I was afraid and hesitant to the point where I was shaking uncontrollably before anything even happened. Nonetheless, I trusted my mom to protect me and we walked down the steps and onto the sidewalk. Then, all of a sudden, a grown man in a black hoodie just appeared behind my mom when I turned to face her. I saw him pull out a small knife as he just walks along the sidewalk with us. With every bit of strength I had, I tried to warn my mom but in my dreams I can never move or speak to prevent something from happening, so my mom just kept walking without knowing. Then, I woke up without knowing what happens next. I was afraid to fall asleep after that nightmare. It messed me up all day today.