getting stalked by a nonce

Date: 3/12/2019

By dar-bee

i just woke up so hopefully it’s still fresh but basically it started with me in my bedroom when i noticed a little camera about the size of a walkman above my closet on the wall. i noticed it because there was a light that would go on and off on it. i took it off my wall and showed it to my parents. we noticed that it took tapes to record it. i don’t know why but my parents didn’t think much on it. even though we all knew that it was someone watching me. i also figured it couldn’t have been there long considering there was a bright light on it that would go on and off once and a while and i would have noticed it before. (i later realized the blinking light was that wherever i would look at the camera it would only record and how to know it was recording was if the light was on). i, for some odd reason, really really thought the person who was watching me was my childhood friend that moved to texas when i was in fifth grade. the next night i go back to my room and notice that there is another little camera above my bed (a lot nicer and it’s digital) and a tablet or ipad looking thing that was also blatantly recording me on the wall next to my bed. i get really freaked out because the person isn’t even trying to hide it like they want to get caught. i suddenly don’t think it’s my childhood friend but it’s my creepy neighbor that doesn’t actually exist in real life. i take the camera and the tablet thing downstairs to my mom and dad in their bedroom. when i was taking out the tablet thing and the camera to show my parents they randomly turned in the a hacky sack and a little plush bean that was made from the same fabric. (the fabric was red with tiny white flowers on it. they’re still not very serious about it but they were actually just trying to not freak me out because of my horrible anxiety. my dad said kind of laughing “ooh it’s the guy from Nite Train” (which is where my creepy neighbor worked). suddenly we hear stomping and shuffling upstairs and i knew it was him (and i just now notice that i never heard the door open so he was in my house the whole time). my mom shrugs and says “he’s playing with a hacky sack”. at this point i start crying saying “i’m gonna die, we’re all gonna die”. i can tell that my parents start to get a little worried now. i look out the door of my parents bedroom and i can see straight up the first set of stairs. i see nite train guy’s legs and also notice he’s wrapped up in multiple blankets. i quickly run into my mom’s closet go all the way to the right back corner and hide behind a whole bunch of skiing suits that my mom doesn’t actually own in real life. i’m crying while i can here him coming down the stairs. and then my mom woke me up to get ready for school even though i have a late start because it’s senior activities day. i’ll go over this later and add anything i forgot and or fix any errors.