
Date: 5/29/2020

By aflamia

I dreamed I was with Colby Fravel and we were in a hot air balloon flying around and he was high looking to meet right Robbie Prihalla on a military base and exchange some weed. We flew down Bris coldisac past the kids playing and in one yard was full of baby baboons playing and in another was full of deer and the rest were full of kids. And then I was heading to moms walking to show her some art and I got inside and upstairs I dropped a case of tiny black crabs and they all clamped down on my butt and back of my legs and my mom opened the gold paint to get them and I yelled at her and said don’t waste that paint!- and so I took off my pants and all the crabs went off and became crab cakes In The middle of the floor and all three cats rushed in and started eating them and mom was okay with it but I was freaking out about it.