Coliseum in Flames

Date: 5/27/2018

By angiebobandi

I was back in my grammar school. had to go poop so i stepped outta class. It took a long time and i remember being worried that when i got back in class everyone would know I pooped. Fast forward I was in HS later on in the dream. i was super attractive. I was new and a lot of guys would talk to talk to me. One guy stopped me to do a polling on who I'd vote for in the 2020 election and then we became friends. The entire HS was basically made of glass. We went out in this court yard and met up with 2 more of his friends. The courtyard had this huge grass space that had like at least 30 roman pillars holding up a white brick slab of concrete. Almost like a fancy parking garage. One of the kids was hanging up christmas lights across the pillars while we were gossiping about stuff and getting to know each other. As i was walking away, I saw it burst into flames so i ran to get help. I saw some of the boys jump through the fire but they came out fine. I remember thinking man HS kids are dumb. At one point, I was looking for my backpack which was also a duffelbag? This one part I dont remember this part exactly but somebody was stabbing me with a machete in the hallway. I remember it being so terrifying and hoping it would stop soon.