Date: 3/12/2020

By Machman

I am in a hotel or pub or something and I get into a heated discussion of sorts with some red geaded woman, possibly Jack's sister. I brush it off and walk into the car park. She follows me out and goes to her car. I think she is with someone. Someone else is in the car I am in, driving. I tell whoever it is to slow down and lower their window as we pass the woman and her man in the car. I don't say anything but I produce a pen knife and show it to them menacingly. The car rolls up to the far end of the car park near the exit to the main road. I shout out across the diver to the woman in the car FREEEEEEEEEDDDOOOOOOMMMMM Braveheart style. The car rounds to the left and we are going uphill. It is like the hill that leads ro Fernhill or Castlemilk. Then I am not in the car I am walking and dragging my dad behind me. It is hard going but I manage to get us to the top of the hill where we turn left and we enter a village of sorts. That's all I can remember.