A dangerous casserole and a dangerously steep hill

Date: 5/29/2020

By bluhamster123

I recall the dream being much longer but all I really remember is being in a park area and we were doing some sort of competition with food ?? Idk but dads old neighbor, mrs bell, was holding a glass casserole dish and was running full speed for idk why and she slips and completely wipes out and the dish shatters all over her as she tumbles on cement and she gets really injured. So we don’t call 911of course, we must do it ourselves so we have to leave immediately. And we stick mrs bell in the back of our mini van and all of us climb in. And of course dad drives up a hella steep hill and the car can’t handle it and it stands up on end and just flips backwards and suddenly we’re plummeting down the hill that conveniently turned into a giant chasm and were just free falling forever and the anticipation to make impact with ground is increasing and I’m realizing that we’re building up way too much momentum and this fall is way longer than i thought and the chance of survival is completely impossible at this point . But then I woke up