The male empowerment conference?? ....I got free boots!!

Date: 8/15/2019

By Scott71

I am at some sort of a weird meeting / seminar... I'm guessing it's about male empowerment?, if there is such a thing?? Not sure what I'm doing there, but there's a speaker talking about how to be a strong, confident male, and "stepping up to the plate", and a bunch of other shit that I'm trying to ignore. I'm hanging out with a group of guys... just some random dudes. I feel like I have an odd bond with them though, like we're all old friends.They kind of look familiar, but I can't place them. We go through this weird ceremony where this guy in a suit is very loudly, and obnoxiously yelling some words I can't make out..."It's time for y'all to become men!!", or some shit like that. Then we put on these big, heavy-ass clunky boots, and run across a four lane highway through traffic. It's like some kind of test or rite of passage..? After nearly getting killed, I make it across the highway. I walk up a hill to find all the guys from before gathered in a group and chanting. I get closer to them, and now I can make out what they're saying..."I'm a man and that's OK!! I sleep all night and I work all day!!" , to the tune of that Monty Python lumberjack song?? They are a whoopin and hollerin like a bunch of drunk teenagers. They're waving me over, and I join in. I notice that I'm still wearing those clunky-ass boots... we're all wearing them! (I guess if you survive the death run, you get to keep the boots..?) Now I look down the hill to see a guy standing on a stage. It's that douchebag in the suit that was doing all that belligerent yelling earlier! He starts to speak, but we all start chanting again very loudly, and interrupt him. He is angry, and starts hollering at us, but we just keep dancing around and chanting...I am dancing a jig and yelling at the top of my lungs.