Running from the Facility

Date: 3/18/2021

By SagittariusDreamer

Like any thrilling dream, it started off with me and my family (my brother Mark, some smaller boy who I'll name Dez, our cousin Danté who's disabled, and me, from what I could see in the dark halls. My sister and mom were probably there too.) running though the halls of some facility. There was someone chasing us through the absolutely maze of a place and we were in a rush to get as far away from him as possible. We find the exit and on our way out, I grabbed everyone's mail that was in one mailbox, like the kind you'd find in an apartment. I grabbed half and Mark grabbed the other half, and we both ran outside to a long flight of stairs. I wheeled Danté partially down the stairs and stood with him there while Mark stayed at the top, waiting for everyone to meet up with us. We waited for a minute or so, then Mark said he'd be back. I didn't object nor move from my spot. Danté and I just waited there on the stairs for a while waiting for them. At some point, he'd rolled down about two steps. I tried to push him back up, but the wheels wouldn't let me, so I opted to carefully roll his wheelchair down the steps. I couldn't just let him roll down in one go, as there was water just a few feet from the bottom of the stairs. There was a slight sense of relief and joy when we made it all the way down without plunging into the icy depths of seemingly endless water. Though the anxiety was still there, considering the fact that we were being chased and now we were more open than before. Let me explain the setting: Imagine a beach, but the sand is concrete and there's only a few feet of it between the water and this huge metal wall. The beach stretches all the way down, there's no telling how far it goes. Where me and Danté are, there's a very long flight of stairs, but also a ladder to the right of it. A few feet to the left, there's what looked to be a pathway covered in trees. That place was a trap, as there were people with blow darts waiting. Mark hadn't come back yet, nor had anyone else. I was starting to get a little impatient when out of nowhere, this huge blimp/airship ascended into the sky. I'm fancy writing in my vision, it wrote "Betty" or some name similar to that. This was a definite "Oh Shit" moment, and there was nothing I could do but run. I wheeled Danté up to the wall and faced him towards it, and booked it up the ladder as red hot bullets started raining down from nearly every surface of the airship. Yes, the water would've been a better option, but I can't swim or float and drowning didn't seem like the best option for me. And as much as I wanted to run up the stairs, the bullets probably would've had an easier time hitting me on such a sloped surface. I got to the top and the bullets stopped. I looked back at the airship, wondering what was going on. And then it exploded, and I rushed to cover my ears, to no avail. Even with my palms pressed against my ears and sealing them shut, the explosion was overpoweringly loud. Then it exploded again, sending an extra shockwave in every direction. I think at that point, I may have blacked out. But when I came to, I made my way back down the stairs. Danté was laying on the ground out of his wheelchair, and I felt bad that I couldn't do more to protect him from the blasts. I looked the the water, and some woman had fell in. Cue a perspective shift. The woman had been plunged deep into the water from practically the heavens. She kicked and tried to get up to the surface, but she was so far down that it didn't seem like her lungs would carry her that far. Below her in the dark depths of the water, a gigantic shark appeared, jaws wide and threatening to swallow her whole. But then, in a twist of fate, that shark shape-shifted into a giant woman, something you think you'd only see in folktales. With a hand the size of cars, she gently helped the drowning woman to the concrete shore and promptly disappeared. When the woman finally clawed her way onto land, she tried to tell her companions that were waiting for her what happened. They interrupted, saying that they knew, but that the giant woman wasn't to be trusted. They said she'd turned into a demon after she'd left the water.