zombie control?

Date: 1/24/2019

By ramagam

im on a property somewhere in the country, an awful lot like hershels townhouse in the walking dead. were a group of about 6 including myself with one of the girls being that blue haired chick from blue is the warmest color. were all outside watching the sun go down when theres a sudden and jarring feeling of alarm that everyone seemed to have felt at the same time as we all looked at each other and immediately headed for the house. we clamor inside and lock everything. the inside setup is similar to my parents place, more so in the basement. feels eerie. i head down there and wait out. then the dream pans around to each room and the people in them cinema-style. i see the couple that was with us in what looked like a couch set up in the middle of the kitchen. you can see a door leading outside behind them. a feeling of dread builds up. the guy looks at her with sorry-eyes, but im not sure why until he grabs her arm and slowly moves it behind the couch. its done almost stupidly slow and she gets increasingly more frantic. tenitis-like ringing starts. shes screaming. blood from her forearm begins shooting up from behind the couch. the door leading outside is out of focus but i can tell its open now. he still holds onto her tight. cut to blue chick. she comes to the basement not knowing im there and starts muttering something and a trail of 4-6 things with half a body tumble their way down too.bloodied, no lips with messed up teeth, eyes wide and milky. the meat on their forearms hanging off like loose sleeves. im terrified but somehow get out of the basement undetected through a back way that leads back up to the rest of the house. i lock myself in a bathroom similar to one in my uncles house(only specifying cause its insanely claustrophobic) trying to calm down. i see a slow, drudging shadow make its way across the room and peek hnder the door to see. its one of those half body things. dragging itself but its head was turned to the side and we were looking at eachother. i didnt seem to register to it as it kept moving on instead of trying to get in. i can hear the girl from the couple crying, the guys consoling her. dreams pans to them and shes cradling a stump, forarm bine exposed and shredded. she looks to be trying to prop the meat back into place. i wake up, honestly its the first time in years ive been shaken up by a 'zombie' dream