Date: 7/22/2017
By seascarlet
I was spending time around friends. I was myself, but not with anyone I know irl. I looked in a mirror and there was something wrong with my eyes. I couldn't place it until I wiped off my black eyeliner and realized that the reason things looked off was because my iris and pupil were missing. Not sure how I could be looking in the mirror if that were the case, but oh well. I started feeling around and squeezing my eyes and was able to eventually work the irises out from where they had disappeared and put them back in place. I thought it had happened because I'd fallen asleep in contact lenses. I guess they had floated away back into my eye sockets and taken my irises with them? But then I realized I hadn't been wearing contacts. Must not be a good sign, I thought. Then I noticed that my left iris was developing an expanding splotch. My eyes are brown and the splotch looked orange, as though the color were being diluted. Then both my irises were starting to lose their shape a bit in a couple of places, like broken egg yolks. I went to a Dr. who told me they'd look at it eventually and probably have to schedule me for surgery, but they kept not taking it seriously and seemed to not care or really know what they were doing. I knew irises looking like that could be a sign of cancer or tumor, so I decided I wanted a second opinion. Eventually I told them I was going a town over for my second opinion, because I didn't trust the doctors in my small town. When I tried to leave though, the doctors wouldn't let me. It turned out they were really scientists who had put some sort of cybernetic implants in my eyes and I was living in virtual reality as a prisoner. I spent the reat of the dream looking for a way out and I think I found one, but I can't remember.