
Date: 5/24/2019

By carolinakai

I had a cycling dream again where I was visiting my friend Robert and my friend’s boyfriend Dashel (who is super sweet and cute) was there and I was basically staying the weekend with them, but I had to bring my cat Charlie and my dog Augie with me. The first might we went to a college party and had a good time. I got super drunk and woke up on the floor of this person’s house. My friend Robert and Dashel picked me up and got me to the car where I fell asleep. Sort of hung out in the car for a while...honestly there were a lot of really vivid details I can’t explain completely. I asked Dashel how to say baby in Chinese(even though I easily could have asked Robert -they’re both Chinese) I assumed it would be something similar to Korean (aga) and Japanese (aka) but he gave me this long explanation about how they didn’t have a word for “baby” just a phrase meaning “it’s a baby.” Something like “mang wo” or “wang mo” and then two other syllables I don’t remember. I asked if there was a way they shortened it to be easier to say and he said no. But basically this whole dream was spent running around drunk trying to find my cat and dog and keep them together in one place. I kept guving them to Robert to watch in the car, but somehow they kept escaping. Dashel held my bag(a really beautiful baby pink Anne Klein bag that I got at a deal and love very dearly)the whole time but whenever I needed it I couldn’t find it and I’d have to go find him to get it. At one point I was holding Augie, then Charlie was scooting away like he usually does, but he ended up running into the street right in front of a car. The car slowed down but Charlie still ended up under it. He didn’t get hit, the car was just really tall and passed right over him. I got so scared and ended up just holding and rocking them on my own. Then the dream just got really stressful and Rob and Dash did their best to help but nothing worked. And then it all happened again. And again. And again. And AGAIN until I couldn’t take it anymore and I woke up.