
Date: 4/18/2019

By BlueDreamer

I was living with my boyfriend but oddly my family too, including my father who has been separated from my mother since I was 3. Also whom I hate. I had a college tutor helping me in my room while my brother sat on the floor next to my feet and my mother on the other side of the bed trying to paint her toenails. I noticed a weird cluster of black “dirt” in the corner and I cautiously approached, realizing that the “dirt” was moving. Upon closer inspection, it was revealed that it wasn’t dirt, but a cluster of thousands of fleas. The moment I neared they scattered, causing me to scream and scramble back to the bed in order to be off the floor. My mother asked what was wrong, even though she could see this ever growing pile of insects, which were not only multiplying, but diversifying. Suddenly there were ants, centipedes, millipedes, spiders, and finally, snakes began to pour from this unknown source. My brother did not seem phased as they crawled and slithered around him. They covered every inch of my bedroom floor. My tutor seemed to pity me, not quite acknowledging the blanket of intruders, only my mother seemed concerned by their presence. “How about this” she said. “Why dont we get some drinks and make Andy deal with this.” Andy being my father. This calmed me a little. I wanted nothing more than to leave the apartment. I leapt from my bed and into the hallway, where I could see the beginning of another cluster forming on the wall. My father emerged from the laundry room followed by a woman Id never seen before. She is tall, tan, with dark hair, and frankly, looks like a model. My dad is smiling and I feel sick. I tell him about the infestation and that we need an exterminator and he doesn’t seem concerned, but shrugs and agrees anyway. Meanwhile, several more clusters have appeared in the living room. I want to leave but I realize I’m naked and have to go back into the room to grab clothes in order to leave. I start to panic and cry but my boyfriend holds me and tries to calm me. I wake up to my alarm .