Animal Crossing Dream (it’s weird to dream about video games sometimes)

Date: 8/14/2018

By KawaiiVixen09

I was in the start up menu for the game animal crossing new leaf. I click account. Then Isabelle’s theme started playing. She told me the date and time, and I said to start game. She stopped. “Mayor, you saved last night right? Before you went to bed—“ She stopped. A shrill noise came from the darkness. My screen glitches out. It goes silent. Then I was in the game. The a mole named Resetti popped out. He was more intense than usual. “DID YOU ENJOY YOUR SLEEP?” I could here him screaming. “WIPE THAT VOMIT OFF YOUR FACE YOU GROSS CUNT!!” His face turned deep red as he flails his arms. I fell backwards in shock. He gave me a lecture as I sat there. At one point I zoned out again and he started swearing at me. “STUPID BITCH, PAY ATTENTION! OR ARE YOU TO BROKE TO?” I was slightly offended he was criticizing for how much money I own and I called him fat. And then I woke up. There was stuff before that (me in a video game store and me in an alley way) but that’s not important. What’s important is the part that actually managed to scare me. 😳