A Series of Odd Events

Date: 11/14/2018

By leathecage

I was Violet Baudelaire from A Series of Unfortunate Events, and I was at a tech convention. Me and Klaus Baudelaire, along with a bunch of other kids were there on a field trip. I was browsing the area that was selling video games, when I then wondered if I could find a PS Vita for sale. I talked to this guy, about 17-years-old, who was in charge of the booth. He, in fact, had one, but wasn't intending on selling it. He said he actually found it on an airplane, but had to ties to it at all. He was willing to give it to me for free, just as long as I could get a picture of Count Olaf sleeping for him. I asked why it was important for him to be asleep, but I got no answer. So I went to go find Count Olaf, who was only 2' tall. He was laying on a mattress in blue and white vertical striped pajamas, with matching night cap. I didn't have a camera, so I went and searched for one. I then found a Game Boy Advance with a camera that would work. When I went back for a picture, Count Olaf was gone. A little later me and Klaus, along with the rest of the class were back at school, which was just a victorian styled house. Olaf was our teacher, and he was now at his regular size in his regular clothes. Then, the teen who was going to give me the PS Vita was there, and he divulged the secret that Count Olaf traveled through time and stole his son, who was the guy named Brad in the class. I didn't know who Brad was, so I was not very shocked.