someone tried to kill us

Date: 5/25/2017

By maddieb

so I was in this big clothing store. it had 2 story's and a lot of stairs. I was on the top story looking at something when everyone started to rush up stares. I didn't know what was going on so I hid behind a clothing rack. I soon heard that there was a man out side with a gun trying to get in. I could hear him banning on the main entrance to the store. they closed the stairs off with a big metal door and we where told to wait. after a little time passed we could get up and go down stairs and go back to normal. for some reason my grandma was there and very drunk so mum said she would go and get her something (I don't know what) and she started to leave. i told her not to and that it was dangerous and tisg I would go instead. I walked down to the bus stop and took the closest bus. as soon as I got on a man started to watch my every move. I felt uncomfortable so I left and he followed. I ran for the store and locked the door and that's all I can remember.