ballet garden, storm blew house into air, idk anymore

Date: 7/23/2022

By ooflla

- i was wearing my white dress and tights and we (my mom, annabelle?, and maddie) were walking around a ballet place. we were walking and sliding around with our shoes off on the shiny floor inside then we ran into the big garden outside. we ran ahead of maddie and we were super quiet to hide from her so my mom gave us all pieces of paper saying what role we had to play to trick her. someone got one that said “nut” and someone got one that said “squirrel” i think but idk why bc that’s not really what we did…but anyways. also for context apparently annabelle was a ballet dancer. i pretended to be annabelle dancing and i think the other 2 were hiding? i think i was a distraction and to confuse her. i tried to do a ballet move but maddie saw through it and was like i’d know annabelle’s dancing anywhere and that wasn’t it. - i (although i kept narrating my thoughts with a man’s voice so idk) was by the wall of our house and there were temporary boards up to the outside and it started raining harder and harder and the boards blew off so i held on to something i can’t remember and then the house was lifting into the air. it got high into the clouds and then it stopped and started falling so i started holding on to my bed and pillows and was trying to have as many pillows stay below me. i was narrating a lot here like it was a book in the past - something like “i was moving very fast but falling for a long time and started to think maybe i should invent something to make it more likely to survive.” i somehow landed on the ground really gracefully tho. - i think i somehow combined the 2 parts bc my mom started saying how had to pay $1000 in damages for the storm. also right before at the ballet place gift shop or something i bought her a small painting she wanted - anyways i was rescued/the house was in this government facility or something and they started treating me kinda like a convict but like one they were semi friends with. like frenemies. like oh that’s just that guy (i think i was a guy idk) and he’s fine as long as he does what we say and he needs us he’s just an annoying little shit although we will hurt him if he acts up kind of vibes. this government lady started talking to me that i apparently i knew from before and she was saying what happened. there was a group standing around this guy saying more of what happened and what to do and i was listening on the side. i started annoying the lady and she started putting her fingers on my face like in a weird way idk how to describe it but it was supposed to hurt and it kinda did but not really and i annoyed her more by just laughing. so she started putting my neck in a lock and her hand in my armpit kinda and was gonna do some move to hurt me bc really bad but i was like ok ok i’ll stop omfg lady - then there was a scene shift and there were other characters at a grocery store and the main character was going through the checkout line. when she had been walking in there was a narrating voice saying how we (humans) started worrying so much about animals that they were all killed immediately? or like…idk actually but the grocery store had a bunch of animal heads and everyone treated it like it was normal. and then her 2 friends were at the end. they all started talking and she started eating an uncut roll of sushi like it was a burrito bc she was efficient and on-the -go and quirky idfk. - then i was rudely woke up