Rock Climbing Cliffside and Getting Cheated On

Date: 4/7/2020

By whatdreamsaremadeof21

The dream starts with me and my brother swimming in a clear ocean with other people, we are laughing and have a good time. I then start picking out phone chargers out of the water which was strange. Suddenly we go back to the shore and I turn around and the ocean is dark. Suddenly we are on a cliff but need to find our way down. I tell my brother to follow me as we rock climb down an extremely steep Cliffside. We get to a point where we’re both stuck. This is where a door inside of the cliff opens and let’s us in. This is where I meet up with my friends and my brother disappears. We are all talking and having a good time. Now we are roaming through the high school we all used to go to. I see my boyfriend. Suddenly one of the girls and my boyfriend are talking and arguing. I ask my friend what’s going on. She said me and him have been a thing for a while. I was devastated. I ask “how long?” She says, “since ____” the name of a guy I was friends with in my waking life. I was confused because in the dream this name didn’t sound familiar to me. I went to my boyfriend to confront him and woke up. This is where I analyzed my dream. I looked up dreaming of school which says I may have some childhood insecurities. This is true, I have been comparing myself to a lot of girls me and my bf used to go to high school with because it was girls he used to be interested in. My bf in our waking life is what I like to call “stuck in high school” with no longing to make new friends or branch out. I think this adds to my insecurity. Cheating represents a self-betrayal or a time of my dishonesty. I look back on my dream where the friends says “since____” name of one of my friends. This was a guy I had a class with that genuinely took interest in me. For a time I would text him and have a genuine conversation sort of falling for the attention he gave me that my boyfriend didn’t. I believe this is where I was dishonest as my boyfriend has never known about this. This was 2 years ago. 2 years ago I started to feel less in love than the previous years of our relationship. Dreaming of a cliff represents inner strength and vitality. Phone chargers mean taking time off of a relationship or project in order to function better in general. Over all, my subconscious definitely found a way to speak to me in an intense way.