Date: 11/24/2019
By ladydmj
So I’ve just realised that I did a reality check finger pull in my dream, after watching a guy tread air and float.. I walked away and though oooh reality check! Pulled my finger and it firmly stayed as it was, so I thought I was not in a dream!!!? The dream started with me travelling solo in Peru. I was on a coach trip which stopped in a kind of momentary. We all went downstairs and there were a load of herbs which the ‘monk’ had to wipe on us & give us to throw on some sacred area. He touched the men on the arms or back & he touched me between the legs! I was so shocked & he did it so quickly and smoothly that no one noticed and he didn’t react. In my head I became more & more angry about what had just happened & I wanted to punch him as he continued on as nothing happened. I finally just threw down a jug I was holding, stared at him directly with a furious look and stormed out! I knew he would be embarrassed & I wanted him to know that it was unacceptable, but I felt like I couldn’t cause a big scene.. weird experience. Anyway I found myself wondering the town on my own then and there were beautiful flowers around some local old ladies were trying to chat to me. I walked on & after some time I realised I should get back to the coach. I mildly started to panic that they didn’t have contact details for me & may fo without me, thinking I’m just some weirdo after my behaviour. I looked over a wall and the road was flooded.. there was water everywhere even though we were in a town in the mountains. Then I saw the coach & ran to get on it. It seemed to battle though the water & we carried on. The next stop we were at a restaurant & again there was some kind of herb reference as I had picked some herbs for season my food & one of the Peruvian guides has also got some for me. I was about to put some herbs on the food & a chef came & said ‘what are you doing’! As I looked at what I thought was oregano, it changed and became something else.. he said it was poisonous and the guide apologised for making ‘a mistake’ . I didn’t get the impression that it was deliberate. Then we were all sitting in a circle and there was a buffet style bbq. S turned up and went to get me food. He said ‘I’ve made you the most amazing burger in the world’! Then I was chatting to some of the people and asked them where they’re from.. they said Shrewsbury & I told them where I’d lived.. then another person was asking me about S and saying he was lovely to look after me & get my food & I said I know, I’m really lucky. Then he bought a big piece of chicken which I ate & then a huge plate of mixed meats.. I was annoyed at this as there was no way I could eat it all & I don’t like food waste. I told other people to dig in too. Then our group became a bit of a band, playing random music, until the real band showed up & looked confused and unimpressed. Somehow I was then staying with my aunties & had bought a mini to drive home in!! Really random, but then I seemed to be driving the mini alongside the coach trip. Last thing I remember is that we stopped in yet another place & we’re drinking water. I went out into the back garden to photograph a cool statue head and the flowers & one of the guys in the party was standing on a giant flower & then started to kind of tread air & float upwards. I thought, wow that’s so cool & as I walked away I thought oh wait, I should do a reality check! Pulled my finger & it didn’t budge. It all felt so real & I actually didn’t realise I was in a dream.. bizarre.