Special school

Date: 7/20/2022

By BadHabit

I was walking in to this huge special school for wizard, gifted and abnormal kids trying to learn their gifts in life. I didn’t know my gift but I knew I could control emotions in people. The second i walked in I felt really really weird.. it was a good feeling but I felt watched a bit but I ignored it for the most part. Professor showed me around the school and where my classes were gonna be and as we walked I bumped into this kid who I never got the name of… he smiled at me and said I was pretty… I was a bit creeped on t at his forwardness so I just smiled and walked away .. We got to the main area and I saw a adorable girl maybe 2-3 years younger then me serving flouting tea to a quiet and stoned face guy. Professed told me those two were my roomies. I walked over and introduced myself and we talked for a bit. Eventually I got into my room with the 2 and professor brought a … albino creepy penguin humanoid to the dorm eating it was the fourth roomie. The thing was creepy as hell had made me really same uncomfortable to look at and be around but I showed him the beds and how his was gonna he the bottom bunk of Victoria’s.. the younger girl. The thing shook it’s head and wanted the bed close to the door and close to Collins.. I wanted that one personally since I wanted to sleep near Collin .. he was stoned faced a lot but .. he was kinda cute and I wanted to get to know him. The humanoid insisted I give him that one and when Collin told him to shut the hell up and go to bed already.. it stormed off. I went to bed thanking Colin shortly after helping Victoria with her bags. I was fast asleep when I woke up fast to grunting and groaning… our dorm was the ground floor of many so we were close to the outdoors in a way so I thought it was just animals or a student being weird.. oh boy was i horribly wrong. Eventually the noise got so bad I was starting to get scared and cry since I have pretty wild imagination so I was thinking of horrible creatures outside trying to get it … I guess in my panic and the sounds outside the door .. Collin woke up confused. He looked over to me and at the door where his eyes wider a bit .. he saw something outside the doors window but didn’t tell me anything. I asked if I could sleep with him since I was panicking really bad and he nodded softly and made room. The second I laid down the noises got horribly worst and all of a sudden … I heard the door open. I grew the courage to look over and I saw three creatures just sitting there watching me from the dark… a humanoid bear that was the one grunting and gurgling, a abnormally large moth with razor like teeth and red bleeding eyes… and the penguin humanoid… I was frozen in fear just looking at them, I was almost hypnotized just looking at the group of creatures moving slowly closer. This trance broke when Collin pulled me close to his chests and whispered “ I see them too… just close your eyes they will go away”, I nodded quickly and shut my eyes tightly hoping to god they didn’t come closer or even in the room.. eventually it was morning. This happen every single night.. I just started sleeping with Collin every night since was my only sense of calm and safety.. The noises, movement, etc just kept getting worst.. I was hardly sleeping anymore and poor Collin wasn’t doing any better but insisted I sleep close to him. Eventually I told the head of the school about this and me and Collin stopped going to classes and started hunting down these creatures with the staff. We would get forage of the bear creature a lot but it was the only thing to ever show itself and didn’t seem happy when it was caught since the sounds would get louder and it would get closer ever time we caught it. I was miserable so I went to the spiritual guide in school one night.. little Victoria was there since she was a helper of the spiritual side of the school.. I say with the guide and she asked me about what I’ve been seeing.. I told her about the penguin and she looks shocked to hear. “That’s quite disturbing.. I’m sorry to hear,” she said quietly .. I was going to tell her about the others but as I started to a abnormally large moth flew in.. I panicked as is flew back and forth around me and Screamed for it to be killed! Professor giggled not knowing why I was freaking out.. she try to get it out when all of a sudden it flew at me! It bit at my arms and legs then as I turned around to ask for help .. it latched onto my and stated to rip into my back and professor wasn’t helping ! I rolled around in pain screaming for someone to help but the two in there were almost in a trance like I was the first night .. it was bitting deep now, blood was all over me at this point and I couldn’t feel my lower half anymore. I could feel this thing ripping a huge hole in my back.. I was going to die like this.. Victoria ran over and told me to grab the wings and twist ! So I did fast and the moth fell to the ground without its wings, if wiggled around in pain before fading away … I was so confused but I didn’t have time to think i called Collin … I needed him to come get me and bring me to the nurse since the professor was gone she left .. the phone rang a free times and a sleepy Collin picked up. I screamed and cried saying I needed help and I was dying.. I was scared, I needed him.. I wanted to feel safe before I died.. I puked up blood though my sobs and pleads.. this was the end I could tell .. I heard Collin get dressed over the phone and then … Collin ran in shortly after and held me close to his chest. “ it’s gonna he ok ! I’m here I’m gonna help you love .. done go to sleep!..” he said thought panicked breath’s.. he was so kind … but i blacked out regardless.. I was dying and I knew this was the end .. I lost so much blood.. the things after me won..