dad's dream house

Date: 10/8/2019

By camijane

my dad had a problem with a house in his dream so we all imagined we were in the house and then we were actually in the house. the floor was wet and we were walking around and my dad was like "why is the floor wet?" and i walked into the living room and up a few stairs to get a better look and realized there was milk all over the floor, so i told my dad he must have spilled milk all over the floor. the milk was starting to dry on our shoes so we sat on the couch and took our shoes off. my mom found a bunch of dead rats and she was messing with them and putting them on her arms and trying to get me to touch them and i was like "wtf they're dead" and knocked them out of her hands. then we were walking around some more and i became kind of aware that i was dreaming like irl so i told my mom "this is a really weird dream" and her face turned all dark and weird and a voice in my head said "smart" and i got sleep paralysis for a second and then woke up. lmao fun