Digital art, Generate an image of a group of people sitting in a circle by a fireplace, exchanging stories and laughter, while someone watches from a distance feeling embarrassed and hesitant to join in.


Date: 2/24/2023

By Xiileaf

I was at CASEE and it seemed like everyone was on worktime. I was sitting at my desk as usual, and so was everyone else, diligently working on their class work (unlike they probably would in real life lol). I looked around and noticed that the huge touchboard/demo thing was in the middle of the room, facing me. Molskness was letting me use the board. I had the board’s pen and mouse t my leisure. For some reason, Discord was on the staff computers. I decided I needed to use Discord, so I opened the application up and tried to navigate to where I needed to be, not even caring that I was already logged in without ever having accessing it before. Somehow, I can’t get there what I trying to find—apparent schoolwork. There seems to have been some sort of bizarre update where Discord is able to hold files for its user. I named the files in the dream somewhat like I do in real life (poorly), so I wasn’t able to find jack shit. I’m desperately trying to navigate “Discord” when art I’ve saved to the app somehow pops up on full screen because I have accidentally clicked it. I didn’t know what I was doing. The images that popped up were supposedly (as in they’re not real works) drawn by famous digital furry artist, Seelmaru, one of my first-ever artist inspirations. The art was of red and white furry characters, it looked like three of them, but they were all naked and showing off their massive bits. I stared at the art for a moment, trying to recall when I had saved this image. While I was trying to do that, I realized what the art actually was of, because I was having a hard time at first, and then turned bright red. Upon a second glance, I realized there were between some eight and twelve characters in the illustration. More bits, butts, and bahoongas. Utterly mortified because I was in a classroom with my teachers present, I frantically scrambled to get away from that image, only to be haunted by more. The one after the first was of mayhaps a navy, with cyan accented, furry male that was drawn from a low, interesting perspective. I could not recall the next, but it, too, was also NSFW furry art. Finally, I managed to find an illustration that wasn’t inherently NSFW. This one was just a closeup of a hind paw—it was pink and yellow, reminiscent of candy—that was also of a nice perspective. The paw pads looked amazing and very squishable. If I had time to think, I would have wondered about improving my own art skills as my ability to draw paws aren’t as appealing as other artists’ are. I looked at Molskness who stared at the screen with her arms crossed. I couldn’t tell if she was like that because she frequently was or if she was trying not to boil over. My classmates didn’t seem to notice, so she might not have either. With a face as red as beets, I was finally able to close Discord. I guiltily handed the pen and mouse back to Molskness, thinking I probably wouldn’t be invited to the upcoming “CASEE party” because of this blunder. I was hoping I wouldn’t get in trouble either (I didn’t). >>>***<<< I found myself at the CASEE party. It appeared to take place at some random person’s house, a place I’d visited in dreams at least once before. It was unusually familiar for not being able to recall what happened the last time I had seen this house. The house had a huge living room, very dark corners due to the mood lighting you see in nice restaurants that I personally hate, long and somewhat wide hallways, and a banquet room. The banquet room was where I had been itching to start, as a foodie of sorts. I watched the other guests that weren’t CASEE students to try and figure out what I was permitted to consume. Apparently the school has vouched for us to eat a specific amount of food, but I wasn’t told the specifics. I wasn’t able to figure out what I was allowed or not allowed to eat , so I gave up and ended up missing out on some good shit like JoJo’s and cheeseburgers. I zoned out as I may have paced up and down the banquet hall in one side and came back to my thoughts when I noticed all that was left included food that was made out of candy, but almost looked like real food such as burgers and tuna. I wasn’t in the mood for sweet crap because I wanted real food. Oh well. I think Emma was lingering around the banquet hall and we bumped into each other. Things were said apparently, and suddenly, or at least I think, the two of us made out for a little while. Maybe a good minute or two. No one seemed to notice, and I wouldn’t have cared if they did anyway, because I was pressed up against the wall, standing on my tippy toes to reach her. Eventually, I found myself wandering around the house again, this time in the living room area. There was a young girl wearing a pink tee shirt and purple leggings sitting on one of the three or four huge couches. She looked unusually small sitting there, her legs maybe not even reaching past the end of the cushion, though she was sitting in the corner crevice. I went over to sit by her. I don’t remember if she said much of anything other than she wanted to felt around the room tethered to the chandelier as many guests wanted to. She pestered me and I was annoyed, but tried to be nice for the sake of note being in trouble. I told her to do what she wanted, so she did, but beckoned me to come with. I told her no, but did tel her I’d watch her. The girl made her way up to the top of the room, inching along the trim, and hooked herself up to one of the three tethers available. Once she secured herself, she jumped off, flying around in circles. I had moved off the couch to make sure I wouldn’t be in any accidents if she somehow fell. I was standing off to the side behind the couch a bit, just gazing up at her. She looked like she was having fun. Suddenly, she came falling down and landed on her butt on the carpet below. The carpet was weirdly like a trampoline, so she came back up about four feet before coming down again and landing still too soft for reality. Gravity was weird. She basically giggled and wanted to go again. The little girl and I somehow made it up to the trim near the top of the vaulted ceiling in the living room. We waddled sideways up to the tether area, her getting hooked up first. She excitedly jumped off the ledge again, once she had been secured, and flew around the living room some twenty or thirty feet in the air. I tethered myself up too, making sure those painful harnesses was secured tightly enough before letting myself fly around in circles too. I tired quickly of this and found myself down on the ground shortly after the appeal left me. The girl had followed suit a couple minutes after me. She fell again, much like the first time. As she fell, her legs spread in a Barbie-style splits; she bounced on the carpet once again, still as if she was on a trampoline and came down hard a second time. I looked at her worriedly as the second landing looked like it hurt, but I didn’t do anything. She retreated back in the couch. As I had been flying about, I had noticed that a whole bunch of my CASEE peers were sitting in a circle by the fireplace in the room. I had planned to maybe search about and listen in to what they were saying. I had even noticed Collmer with them, him sitting in a random crevice if the house. Everyone seemed to be exchanging stories or something similar. I wanted to approach them, but I was too embarrassed from the previous NSFW art I may have accidentally shown the class and didn’t want to be scolded by Collmer. I watched from afar instead.

AI generated interpretation Based on the content of your dream it seems to me that you are experiencing some anxiety and insecurity about your behavior and interactions in social and academic situations. This is reflected in your dream by your attempt to use Discord at school, being embarrassed by accidentally showing NSFW images, and feeling insecure about attending the CASEE party. At the party, you feel uncertain about what is appropriate to eat and become frustrated when you can't find anything to your liking. You also have a romantic encounter with Emma, which suggests a desire for companionship or intimacy, but also a fear of rejection or judgment. The little girl in the dream represents a childlike innocence and sense of freedom that you may also long for. Your desire to fly and be tethered, and her playful spirit, reflect a desire to escape your anxieties and find joy in life. Overall, your dream seems to suggest that you may be feeling unsure or insecure about your actions and behavior in social and academic settings. However, you also have a desire for companionship and freedom, which may help you navigate these situations with greater ease and joy. Consider exploring ways to engage in activities or connect with others that bring you a sense of joy and playfulness, and try not to be too hard on yourself for mistakes or slip-ups.