Digital art, Imagine being in a pasture and seeing a mysterious creature running around in the dark and then having to fight it off using a tee-post, only to later find out that your fictional character's love interest has been sucked under a tractor blade while trying to protect you.

Monster in the pasture

Date: 12/13/2017

By meara_is_thename

I remember being terrified. My entire family was there and so was my best friend, Mary. But I wasn’t me in my body. I was myself in the body of one of my fictional characters, Hel. There was a monster running around on my grandparent’s property where I live. It was dark outside and we really couldn’t see anything. I had to go outside to feed the sheep when I heard the creature. It was a sinister laughing/growling that was rather high-pitched. I couldn’t see it, but I knew it was coming. I could hear it running towards me in the dark. I hardly had enough time to open the gate leading into the barn before the creature was behind me. Somehow, in my frantic running i managed to turn on my phone flashlight to see the “beast”. It was tiny, no more than a foot or so tall. It was dark in color and covered in thick, wiry hair all over its strong, rounded body. It had a wide mouth and razor sharp teeth that I knew it would stop at nothing to end me. I moved through the barn at an ungodly speed due to what I’m now assuming was a burst of adrenaline. He creature just seemed to laugh as I stumbled and tripped over rusted farm equipment in the dark. I’m not sure how, but I ended up stabbing the thing in the face, repeatedly, with a tee-post that had been in the barn. This didn’t actually kill the creature. It just sent it into a regenerating phase, I think. It’s suddenly day time and everting seems to be okay. At this point, i think The monster is gone and we were all outside with the cattle, including my friend, Mary. (I don’t know why she was there again. Maybe because I think of her as family, I guess.) It was sunny and warm, everything felt safe for the first time in a while. Then we all heard it. The creature was back and it was growling and almost laughing. Now we all saw it, it was running across the field at full force. But suddenly, the tractor moves into my line of sight and it’s driven by Josh, the husband of the fictional character I was—or some weird reason—in the form of. (Spending so much of my free time writing about Hel and Josh, I’ve got a really fucking strong attachment to this character. So much so, if it were possible for him to exist in reality, I would marry him in a heartbeat. So if anything happens to him, I’m clearly gonna be upset about it.) Cut to Josh running over the creature with the tractor bit that grinds up all the dirt and stuff, Kinda like a lawnmower with a spinning blade. The creature starts screaming this blood curling noise and we’re all cringing. The tractor jerks and Josh falls and gets sucked under into the bit with the spinning blade. Of course now I’m screaming and crying because Josh is screaming and I can’t fix it because I knew what was happening under that tractor bit he was stuck under. To make matters worse, he was stuck with that monster. We quickly turned off the tractor and both josh and the creature are silent. My dream’s logic didn’t quite get the calculations that a 6’3 man could not actually get sucked under a platform that was only 6 inches tall and 4 and a half feet wide. My grandfather raised the platform with the blade and one can only imagine the sight of your (fictional) loved one running through almost a literal blender. His clothes torn to shreds and body really only had mild wounds, but at first glance, one thought he was dead. Blood was dripping from the blade above him and everything. Cut to the next thing I remember and that’s sitting beside him while he laid in a hospital bed. For some reason, we were in a basement of some sort and it was dim and wet and rather unsanitary. But Josh was stable and that was enough for us. I remember feeling like part of me was going to just crumble and fade away if he died. He was so pale and was just covered in various lacerations and gashed that had since been stitched or stapled shut. I woke up before I ever saw if he woke up or not.