Stupid Trump vs Hillary dream

Date: 10/20/2016

By LdonnyH24

Had a dream that I was in the crowd at a debate between Trump and Hillary. They were both bashing each other hard and weren't really answering and questions...pretty much like real life. Kanye West was the moderator and at the end of the debate Kevin Hart came out and waved at everybody, he was Donald Trump's running mate, seeing him instantly made me laugh. The dream cut to the next scene and It was election day. I was in a huge football arena waiting in line to cast my vote. The line was like a mile long and at the end there was a giant stage. I walked up on stage the fill out my ballot, but instead of voting booths, there was a black table and on each side was a chamber of bees. one chamber had Hillary's logo on it and the other had Trump's logo on it. The instructors were standing at the table, they told me to sit and then they said that in order to cast my vote they were going to release one bee from the Trump chamber and one bee from the Hillary chamber. whichever bee sting hurt the worst that was the person that I had to vote for. They released the Trump bee, it came down a tube and landed on my left forearm and stung me, it hurt pretty bad. Then they released the Hillary bee, it landed on my right forearm and stung me. The Hillary bee hurt way worse, so I voted for her.The dream cut to election night and I was watching on TV. Hillary Clinton won in the biggest landslide ever, she got like 80% of the popular vote. She came out on stage and gave a really smug victory speech and then Trump came out and gave a really smug speech about how the election was rigged. Kevin Hart came out and stood next to Trump and was still just being funny and smiling and waving lol.