Amusement Park

Date: 8/12/2019

By sunshinethiings

I was with my mom and she took me to this amusement park ride thing that I had dreamed about before, and like we were talking about how this was our second time going. Anyway so we get on the ride and it has to do with water almost? And there’s this one part where you get to this waterfall and the only way to get down is to get into this slingshot and be slung down. And then that part leads into this super fast part where you go upside down and go like way too fast. So then we have a break, I can’t fit into one of the bathrooms and I ask a employee and she said that I should’ve used the one next to it and I was like “oh I’m dumb lol” Anyway my mom goes through the same speech she did in the previous dream about how because I’m not having fun in the last part of the ride we can steal this magical sword and win the entire game. That’s all I remember.