Naked girl and ants

Date: 5/23/2019

By BeastFromTheEast

This happened like 2 days ago and I briefly remember another dream but woke up and was like "nah that's too boring to share with everyone" (Not that what I'm about to share now is any more interesting.) All I remember was there was this poster of a girl completely naked lying on her back in a super sexy feminine pose, and there was a caption at the top that just said "Built for pleasure" and I thought that was kinda hot. Then the other day in real life I left out a thumb sized piece of banana out of my table in my TV room and there was around 30 ants on it. I got the raid and sprayed that shit like I was putting out a fire, and let me tell you, I didnt stop until none were moving. I filled the bowl the banana was in, in like an inch of insect killer, then I had to stay out of the room the rest of the day cause of the fumes, Anyway the dream... so in the dream there were hundreds of ants in my dad and I was traumatized like I just got back from fuckin Vietnam. Noooooooooo please thanks.