the dream where I fight an abuser, romance the queen, and receive lavish gifts

Date: 4/6/2018

By salvo

My family and I went to the beach, and I’m not a beach person so I stayed out of the water. My sister went and played with each other and I just watched them. There was a group of young kids playing with each other. I saw a dad kind of forcefully bring his son over to this group of kids and leave him with them. The kid was wearing a yellow bathing suit that covered his body? It had a tight hood on it so it covered his hair. He was also wearing red arm floaties. He looked like he didn’t want to be in that big group of kids, but he clung shyly to the oldest one. After a bit he left, and the kids went to play into the water. Then, the dad brought the kid back and pushed him towards the ocean and walked away. The kid was about to turn around and go back when I approached him. He smiled at me and immediately warmed up to me. I took him in the water and we had a lot of fun. Then we went into some building so he could write a letter to his dad. We did it on the stage of some theater where they were storing bleachers. After the kid got it all done, his dad came in. I asked him how he was doing and he didn’t answer me. All he said was, “you’re late,” before stomping over to try to fold up the bleachers (which were unfolded when we got there). I got really mad and told him to stop, and that that’s how they were before. I started unfolding them back, and the Dad got really huffy and picked up the papers from the table his kid and I were at. I told him not to forget the letter and he started mumbling. He grabbed his kid by the wrist roughly and pulled him away. I went to his house later to find him yelling at the kid and throwing things. I yelled at him and reprimanded him, and he yelled back (I don’t remember what my comebacks were, I just remember that they were good). He started getting angrier because I was beating him in this verbal argument. Eventually he settled down and told me what was going through his mind. I told him that he still shouldn’t take it out on his kid. I still hated the man, but we were able to have a civil conversation. After that, I left the house, and went to a different place with a big dining room. I had turned into a Prince, and was waiting to meet the queen. She came in and sat next to me. That’s when I realized I was in a game, and I could choose to do different things in order to achieve my goal (I don’t remember what that is anymore). One of the options was to romance the queen, and that’s what I decided to do. Then the dream changed, and I was getting ready for some contest, so a bunch of people were giving me really expensive things so that I could succeed. I also had to play corn hole. I had to leave corn hole to pick up some mail, and when I got back someone was playing in my place. In terms of what people got for me, one person bought some jewelry, someone bought me a P.O. Box, and someone else bought me an entire apartment with a bakery. The apartment had been separated from the building and was sitting in a big lawn for me to look at. Someone else had been living in if for a while, so it was not very clean, but I could see that it used to be beautiful. That’s all I remember.