Alien invasion, and going to a catholic church ⛪️

Date: 9/6/2021

By natassja666

My first dream there was an alien invasion. A lot of people who could afford it, decided to get into rockets and try to find a safer planet to hide out on. But we saw UFO’s in the sky and they simply zapped all of the rocket ships and they disappeared into thin air. I was never more happy to be poor lol. My partner and our daughter (who was older in the dream) and I found this old school house that had been turned into a secure apartment building that looked safer to hide in. At one point in the dream this alien found us (they looked like the aliens from Mars attacks) but he was actually a good alien and gave us advice to help us survive. He said that the aliens are mostly colour blind, they could only see red and pink so if we avoided wearing or having those colours on us and laid face down and didn’t move there is a good chance the aliens wouldn’t notice us. We were hiding out in a bathroom taking turns resting in the bathtub with blankets, any time we’d have to move to switch we’d be so terrified. At one point an alien was looking in the window searching and we all stayed so still barely breathing until it left. My second dream I went to this really old Catholic Church with my little sister Destiny, who is religious but not catholic, because I wanted to have the ✨ experience ✨ . It was a white building with a graveyard in the back and beautiful colourful stained glass Windows. it was extremely crowded and we ended having to sit squished with strangers in the very front row. It was a bunch of teenage/ young adult girls and they were very rude and didn’t want us sitting with them. After church the dream changed and destiny in I were walking home in the middle of the night. Three of those mean young girls were right behind us the whole way, snickering and laughing at us. I heard them say something about my butt lol and say that I must be rly chubby or fat in the front. I turned backwards and was like “thank you so much for calling my butt big! But I’m not fat” (cringe I know wtf lmao) and I lifted up my shirt a bit and showed them my stomach. They just laughed and laughed and laughed. The moon in the sky looked ginormous and for awhile I was just focused on that and enjoying the peaceful walk with my sister when I ended up hearing one of the girls say they are becoming or are a massage therapist. (That’s what I’m going to school for later this month) I was so shocked. I turned around and was like “how can you help heal people when you are such a cruel and nasty human?? People deserve someone gentle and empathetic and kind!!”