Haunting Dreams by Dlisa Danielle Fort On Friday October 31, 2008

Date: 9/6/2017

By lisadanielle

Dear Dream Journal Last night I had a haunting dream about a monster in my closet and being kidnapped by bad guys and calling out to Batman and Wonder woman for help. Because I was being kidnapped by bad guys because I had Special powers and they wanted me to use my powers destroy the world. then we went to another world to take over world. because I was the queen of the Gods and Goddesses, queen of all Amazon's, Artemis. Because I had the marking of quarter moon on my lower back and on the top of my right hand my powers was use for good not for evil. Batman and Wonder woman found me in another world and took me back home to my family was very happy to see me back home safe with my family because I was missing for a long time. Wonder woman had a excellent idea that I go leave on Themyscira with our family I will be safe there and nobody will try to kidnap me any more. I thought this was a excellent idea so I told Wonder Woman yes I will go leave on Themyscira with your family but I will miss my family very much and our dad and my little sister and I will going to miss you very much we love you very much and take care of your self ok little Munchkin I said I will Papa Bear hug our Papa Bear and my little sister and said good bye I love you both very much. Wonder Woman and I left to Themyscira to live and become a strong Amazonian. The Amazon's was going to train me how to use my power's wisely only for good not evil and I went to visit my family in the man world I do have to remember I was born in the man world not Themyscira but I wish was born on Themyscira as Amazon that would be so awesome.